Content Consultation: Transform Your Content with Expert Guidance

Ready to elevate your content and connect with your audience like never before?

Welcome to your personalized content consultation, where your unique voice and goals take center stage.

Hi. I’m Renae.

With 20+ years of experience in writing, editing, and content marketing, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a passion for creating exceptional content experiences. I understand the frustration of encountering poorly conceived and written content, and I'm here to make sure your content stands out for all the right reasons.

What to expect

Here’s what you can look forward to when you book a content consultation with me:

  • Expert insight: Receive tailored recommendations for refining your content, enhancing its readability, and making sure it resonates with your target audience.

  • Holistic approach: We’ll explore how your content looks, sounds, feels, and functions from the reader's perspective to create a seamless, engaging content experience.

  • Advanced techniques: Having worked in the corporate marketing world, I bring corporate techniques to small business owners, entrepreneurs, founders, and consultants. And, because it takes more than “copy” to win hearts and wallets, I bring advanced techniques that boost the overall reader experience, making your content stand out.

  • Empathetic guidance: If you’re hesitant to book a consult because you’re not a confident writer, fear not. When I started this business, I was “way back there” on the axis of writing skills. There were people way ahead of me and others behind me. Now, more than 20 years later, I may be “up here,” and you may be “back there,” but there are still others ahead of me! We’re all on a journey; I just happen to be ahead—but I used to be where you are, which means I understand and can empathize.

How it works

  1. Purchase a package: Head over to the payment page to pay for your session.

  2. Book your call and complete the questionnaire: After you purchase, you’ll receive an email with instructions for booking your consultation along with a link to a questionnaire that will help me learn about you before our session.

  3. Attend your personalized session: During our call, we'll dive deep into whatever issue you bring to the session. I’ll give you the best of my advice, drawing from all of my knowledge.

  4. Go forth with great content: Walk away with clear, actionable steps you can take immediately to enhance your content and engage your audience more effectively.

Ready to get started?

Use the button that follows to head over to the checkout page. After you purchase, head to your inbox for next steps!

Kind words from happy clients

  • It's not just about putting words down on a page; it's about understanding people, challenges, and product so well that gives [Renae] the power to write so authentically.

    ~ Engagement strategist

  • Renae puts structure around your thoughts and challenges you to improve your thinking, messaging, positioning, formatting, and overall marketing.

    ~ CMO

  • Renae is one of the most talented writers and editors I’ve had the pleasure of working with. She's exceptional when it comes to writing compelling content, but more than that, she's exceptional at building and nurturing relationships across the board, which is, I believe, what makes her such a compelling writer.

    ~ Client success professional

  • The value of clarity is the loss of doubt and the rise of confidence.

    Phillip Davis, Tungsten Branding

  • Lack of clarity is the number one time-waster.

    Frank Lloyd Wright

  • Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That's why it's so hard.

    Daid McCullough

  • Easy reading is damn hard writing.

    Nathaniel Hawthorne